8 Eye Disorders That Can Become Symptoms of Serious Disease

There are several diseases that can be seen symptoms and signs in the eye. For example, blurred vision, eye color change, and drooping eyelids can be an early symptom of chronic disease. What are the symptoms and disorders of the eye that need to be aware of?

1. Vision blurred suddenly

Vision that suddenly becomes blurred can indicate a problem with blood flow to the eye or brain. If this happens often, then you need to see a doctor, because this could be a symptom of a stroke or other chronic illness.

2. Eyes bulging

Glaring eyes are a sign of graves disease. Graves' disease is a disorder of the immune system in the body that causes the thyroid gland to not function properly. In patients with graves' disease, the thyroid gland becomes aggressive and releases too much hormone, which can cause several health problems such as diarrhea, weight loss, and tremors in the hands. Hyperthyroidism that arises due to this disease can be overcome by carrying out several treatment options such as, hormone drugs, radioactive iodine, and surgery. However, performing surgery or using radioactivity can worsen the symptoms in the eye arising from this graves disease. If you experience these symptoms, it's better to do further tests and consult a doctor.

3. Vision often feels blurred

Often feeling blurred on vision can be one sign of diabetes mellitus. Patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes melabete are at risk of developing diabetic retinopathy , which is damage to the eye tissue due to rupture of the blood vessels of the eye. High blood sugar levels cause blocked blood vessels and blood flow to the eye does not flow properly, so the pressure around the eye blood vessels increases and then ruptures. Usually, doctors will overcome these complications by using a laser to cover the 'leakage' of broken blood vessels.

4. Circle around the cornea

Corneal arcus , or gray circle around the cornea, is a gray circle that appears and is a pile of fat. If you are over 40 years old, this is only natural. But if you are under 40 years old, these symptoms can be a sign that you have high cholesterol in the body. High cholesterol levels can cause various chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease , stroke , diabetes mellitus, and heart failure .

5. Eyelid drops

A drooping eyelid usually occurs naturally in the elderly group, which is a natural sign of aging. Tendons in the eye function to open, close, or lift the eyelid. When entering old age, the tendon stretches and results in decreased eyelid. However, if children already have decreased eyelids, then it is possible that the child has amblyopia or lazy eye, which is an eye disorder from birth.

Not only that, drooping eyelids that occur before entering old age may indicate that there is damage to the nerves or eye tissue. This can lead to several chronic diseases such as, stroke, brain tumor, nerve cancer or muscle cancer. Myasthenia gravis is a nerve disorder that can also cause damage to the eye muscles that cause symptoms of decreased eyelid.

6. Yellow eyes

Yellow eyes and skin are a sign that there is a problem with liver function. Yellow of the eye or skin appears due to bilirubin that enters the blood vessels. Bilirubin is a coloring agent for urine produced by the liver. This can indicate that the liver has inflammation, infection, or even cancer.

7. Eye twitching

This symptom is the most common symptom in many people and is not very dangerous. Eye twitching is usually associated with fatigue, consumption of caffeine or alcohol, and smoking. In rare cases, eye twitching can also be a sign of a nervous system disorder, such as multiple sclerosis . But if these symptoms are symptoms and signs of multiple sclerosis or nervous system disorders, it will be accompanied by the appearance of various other signs and symptoms, such as difficulty walking and talking.

8. Night blindness

If you have difficulty seeing at night, or when your night vision deteriorates, you may experience cataracts . This symptom is also common with age. Night blindness arises due to lack of vitamin A intake, therefore these symptoms can be overcome by high intake of vitamin A, such as sweet potatoes, spinach, beef liver, pumpkin, and carrots.

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